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Summer Remedial/Accelerated/Enrichment Program

The Northern Region Educational Services Commission (NRESC) currently offers summer credit recovery for any students in grades 6-12.  The current locations are Clifton and Wayne.  This service allows students to stay on track to ensure that they graduate on time, eliminates and/or eases the need for students to double up on courses during the school year, and ensures that class sizes are reasonable. School districts wanting to offer summer credit recovery options at their local high school please feel free to call Ms. Ayanna Thorne, Director of  Alternative & Non-Traditional Programs.

Clifton Summer School 

Summer school attendance is mandated by the State of New Jersey. You must be present and attending classes for the duration of the class. 

Wayne Summer School 

For students who have failed a course or who been denied credit during the regular school year. ( 3 hour sessions, total of 60 hours of instruction)

Harrison Summer School 

Summer school attendance is mandated by the State of New Jersey. You must be present and attending classes for the duration of the class